Mailchimp Elementor

Subscribe to our YouTube channel. First configure your MailChimp API key in the Integrations Configuration. Below Elementor Configurations Integrations tab; Create a form using Elementor Form Widget.

MailChimp EA MailChimp allows you to display your MailChimp Subscription form on your website. You can create stunning MailChimp within a few minutes and grow your subscription in the process. Mailchimp is the most popular email service for sending newsletters. It got popular by a dead-simple editor and a freemium business model. 8000 users sign up for Mailchimp every day. Elementor supports Mailchimp out of the box! No more need to install another 3rd party plugin in WordPress. Elementor and Mailchimp. Elementor is a popular page builder for WordPress (most popular?). Recently, Elementor announced they passed the 4 million active install mark. Elementor is successful because it brings a powerful visual editor to WordPress that is still easy to use.

This tutorial features the overview of Subscribe widget from JetElements plugin that can be linked with the MailChimp list.

MailChimp is a plugin that helps you to manage the users’ email base. And JetElements Subscribe widget is the tool that can help you to create a subscription form integrated with it. This tutorial will show you how to link the subscription form with MailChimp list and add it to your website’s page.

Setting up MailChimp API Key and Audience ID

If you still don’t have a MailChimp account, please, feel free to check this tutorial. It provides detailed instructions on creating an account and finding out your MailChimp API key and Audience ID. Now, let’s make sure our MailChimp account has proper integration with the JetElements Subscribe widget.

Navigate toJetPlugins > JetElements Settings > Integrations in WordPress Dashboard. In the MailChimp section, find the fields, where you have to input the MailChimp API key and the MailChimp Audience ID.

Also, you can enable the Double opt-in option in case you want that the contacts will receive an opt-in confirmation email when they subscribe to your list.

JetElements Subscribe widget overview


Let’s make the process of customizing the subscription form in the Elementor builder more clear.

First of all, open the page where you would like to place a subscription form in the Elementor page builder. Find Subscribe widget in the left-side widget menu and drag it to your page.

By default, the form contains only two elements: field where one can input an email and the “Subscribe” button. Take a look at the Content > Field menu tab.

Mailchimp For Dummies

  • In the Input Placeholder text area, you can input the text that the user will see in that field before inputting there something. It can give the visitor the tip on what information should be placed in the field, and about the format of the information (e.g., an email).
  • The Submit Text is the text that will be shown on the submission button.
  • If you want to add an icon to the submission button – turn the Add Submit Icon toggle on. Afterwards, you will get the opportunity to choose the icon.
  • Turn on Use additional fields option to add more fields to the subscription form (e.g., First Name, Last Name, Phone number, etc.). You can simply delete or duplicate the items. And to add more fields to the form – click the “Add New Item” button.
  • Layout drop-down menu defines whether the subscription button will be placed to the right or below the form fields.

In the Settings section, you can set up the URL for redirection and enable usage of Target Audience ID of your MailChimp list.

In the Style section, you can customize the Layout, Width, Background, Color, Padding, Margin, Border Radius, Border Type, Box Shadow, Text Color, Typography to make the design of your Subscribe form more appealing.

Don’t forget to click the “Publish” or “Update” button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

Elementor Mailchimp Plugin

Mailchimp Elementor

Congrats! From now you are able to add an effective MailChimp subscription form to Elementor using JetElements Subscribe widget.

Increase the number of your subscribers with Crocoblock!

With JetPopup MailChimp widget the subscription form can be more eye-catching.

Elementor Mailchimp Server Error

I am ABH Asif, a proficient and creative WordPress expert with a strong history in website creation, management, and development. My in-depth knowledge about WordPress core software, database connectivity and its functions, customize WordPress themes and plugins. Moreover, I have a strong dedication to superior customer service at all levels from the first meeting with a client to the website maintenance after launch. I am capable enough to work well under pressure to meet hard deadlines and stay within budget while still being able to provide clients with exactly what they want. Always update my skills with recent developments and trends in the industry. So that I am very much serious about completing projects accurately, timely, and within budget constraints. But the client’s satisfaction is my first priority.

Elementor Subscribe Form

I am expert in Web Designing , WordPress, Wocommerce, MailChimp, Elementor, Gravity Form, WP Back Up & Clone, Migration, Multi-language and etc. Meanwhile As a freelancer, I have completed 316+ projects in various marketplaces for 204 clients of 28 countries since 2017. I have been working with all popular and important WordPress themes and plugins successfully. My some portfolios are shown in portfolio page and some exciting professional portfolios in Behance, You may have a look for details. That is about me in short.